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Astrology Readings

Forest Road

The stars and planets can help to guide you through characteristics birth patterns and ease the decisions to be made with the timing God gave you.  The Natal BirthChart reading is where you start,  from there, a Cards of Destiny Annual Report coincides with the Natal BirthChart reading to help guide you.  It has an outlined format for the entire year starting at your birthday.  Transit Readings can be done when uncertainty is found, or for updates after life changes.  Experience the influence the stars and planets hold with God's plan for you.

Natal BirthChart Reading 


This is  your Initial Reading.  

Explore the depths of your astrological chart with a personalized natal chart reading.  This is a customized virtual appointment. We use prayer cards, karmic cards, your natal chart and more combined with accurate intuition to delve into compatibility with a synastry analysis, or gain insights into current cosmic influences with transit readings.  Help guide your choices in the opportunities that God gives you.


60 minute Natal BirthChart Reading

Virtual (on any day the calendar shows) $150

In-Person (on Tuesdays Only) $175


Advanced payment required. ​



Cards of Destiny Initial Annual Report

Playing Cards

Cards of Destiny is over 400 year old system using Astrology and Numerology through a deck of playing cards.  Each card is assigned to a birth date explaining characteristics and experiences held throughout the year.  Jennifer will provide her interpretation of your report that will be emailed to you before your virtual appointment. This chart will help guide you as a reference throughout the coming year. The report pairs well with an Astrology BirthChart Reading from Candi.


Initial Report with Virtual

25 minute Interpretation $110

Advanced payment required.




Transit BirthChart Reading

Shooting Star

This is your Subsequent Reading.

Similar to the Natal BirthChart reading, you will have a customized virtual appointment with prayer cards, karmic cards, and intuitive interpretation of how the planets are influencing life at this moment.  As a follow up, you will dive deeper into specific current events, helping to guide you with timing and emotional conflicts. 


45 minute Transit BirthChart Reading


Virtual (On any day the calendar shows) $120

In-Person (on Tuesdays only) $145


Advanced payment required.​



Cards of Destiny Subsequent Annual Report

Card Tricks

Cards of Destiny Reports "expire" with a new year, you will want to get a new report annually.  This is a subsequent option to the first report.


Subsequent Report with Virtual

15 minute Interpretation $100

Advanced payment required.




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